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XML Prevalence of Secondary Hyper Parathyroidism in Hemodialysis Patients
M Rahimian *, R Sami, F Behzad
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XML Comparison of the Effectiveness of Oral Sucrose and Emla Cream in Reduction of Acute Pain Due to Heel Sticks for Blood Sampling in Neonates
H Aarafi *, Z Islami, M Noori Shadkam, MA Manoocheri-Naeini, S Jalalpour, S Abyari
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Evaluation of Co-Administration of Omperazole with H2 Blockers and Antacids
A Babaei *, H Salman Roughani, S Bashir
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XML Measurement of Anterior–Posterior Diameter of Ivc By Ultrasonography: a Non Invasive Method for Estimation of Central Venous Pressure.
R Nafisi-Moghadam *, MR Mirjalili, N Nouri-Majalan
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Clinical and Paraclinical Characteristics of Hospitalized Patients with Congestive Heart Failure in Yazd (a Survey of 258 Patients)
M Sadr Bafghi *, O Beiki Bondar abadi, M Rafiei, MH Soltani, M Emami, M Moradi, F Hosseini
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XML Comparison of the Prevalence of Microbial Contamination in Packed and Unpacked Redmeat and Chicken Meat at Retail Outlets and Department Stores in Southern Tehran
MM Soltan Dallal *, S Vahedi, H Zeraati, R Bakhtiari, F Izadpoor, M Khalifeh Gholi, Z Rohani Rankohi, H Norooz Babaei, TM Kaffashi, P Fazeli, A Kamkar
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Parental Interaction Patterns in Children with Adhd and Controls a Comparative Study
M karahmadi *, R Tabaiean, M Afkhami -Aghda
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XML Effect of Serum Zinc Levels on Humoral Immune Response to Hepatitis B Vaccination in Patients on Dialysis
N Nouri-Majalan *
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XML Effect of Vitamin D3 on Ifn-Γ and Il-10 Levels in Mice with Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis
Gh Mosayebi *, A Ghazavi, MA Payani
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Prevalence and Predisposing Factors to Candidiasis Infection in Women Supported by Health Centers of Tabriz, 2004.
A Namazi *, F Sahati, M Adibpour, AS Mazloomi, S Mohammad alizadeh, J Babapour
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Use of Rat Estrus Serum for in Vitro Maturation of Bovine Oocytes
GA Jelodar *, S Hashemi, A Behahaddini, AR Rafati
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XML Occult Hbv Infection in Hbsag Negative and Anti-Hbc Positive Blood Donors.
M Kazemi *, AA Pourazar, M Salehi, A Jafarzadeh, F Oreizi, K Shariatinegad, V Khoshkhooie, E Rezazadeh Zarandi, GH Hassanshahi, A Shebanizadeh
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Detection of Rare Beta Globin Gene Mutations in Northwestern Iran
MA Hosseinpour Feizi *, AA Hosseinpour Feizi, N Pouladi, M Haghi, P Azarfam
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XML Establishment of a Pcr Technique for Determination of Htlv-1 Infection in Paraffin-Embedded Tissues
M Mahmoodi *, AR Khooi, M Farzadnia, M Rastin
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Correlation Between Toluene Environmental Monitoring and Biological Index of Urinary Hippuric Acid of Workers in the Coke Industry
F Mansouri *, Gh Mirsatari, M Rismanchian, AR Bahrami, N Bashardoost, A Kalantari, MM Amin
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Guillain-Barre Syndrome Following Surgery
AH Halvani *, A Rahimdel, M Karimi, F Noorani
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