Volume 14, Issue 3 (Autumn 2007 2006)                   JSSU 2006, 14(3): 31-37 | Back to browse issues page

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Najafi F, Taheri N. Effects of L-Carnitine Added to Erythropoietin in Anemic Chronic Renal Failure Patients on Hemodialysis.. JSSU 2006; 14 (3) :31-37
URL: http://jssu.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-632-en.html
Abstract:   (23459 Views)
Introduction: Chronic renal disease (C.R.D) is a pathophysiological process due to progressive and irreversible decrease in number and function of nephrons in the kidney. Anemia is one of the most important complications in CRD patients. Anemia is caused mainly due to diminished production of erythropoietin (EPO), which is treated by weekly injection of the EPO. L-carnitine added to EPO can increase the efficacy of EPO. Methods: Present study, from March 2003 until September 2004 (18 months), evaluates the effects of L-carnitine added to EPO in 30 patients at Shaheed Rahnemon hemodialysis center of Yazd. Each patient was administered one oral table (250 mg) of L-carnitine, twice a day along with EPO for 90 days. EPO was in the form of injection 2000 iu/sc after dialysis.(three times per week). One questionnaire was completed for each patient, which included demographic characteristics, type of disease, duration of the hemodialysis, Hb and Hct levels, transferrin saturation and ferritin levels. Hb ,Hct and transferrin saturations were measured on days 1, 45 and 90. Results were analyzed by paired t test and analysis of variance. Results: Results of this study showed that the mean Hb levels and Hct were significantly raised up to 1.1 mg/dl (P.value<0.001) and 2.7% (P.Value<0.001), respectively. In addition, significant decrease of 5.75% in transferrin (P.Value< 0.001) and 121ng/ml in ferritin levels (P.Value< 0.001) was observed. Efficacy of EPO plus L-carnitine was affected only by duration of hemodialysis and not by age, sex or causes of CRD. Conclusion: L-carnitine added to EPO increases the efficacy of EPO after 3 months.
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Type of Study: Original article | Subject: General
Received: 2010/01/25 | Published: 2006/10/15

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