Volume 28, Issue 5 (7-2020)                   JSSU 2020, 28(5): 2614-2634 | Back to browse issues page

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Javdani M, Barzegar-Bafrouei A. Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Due to Surgery and its Effective Therapeutic Approaches. JSSU 2020; 28 (5) :2614-2634
URL: http://jssu.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-5074-en.html
Abstract:   (2133 Views)
Introduction: Various lesions trigger an inflammatory response in the host body. These injuries include surgical stress Surgery exerts stress on the body. Systemic inflammatory syndrome is a reflection of the degree of surgical stress and as a system of assessing the severity of postoperative stress. Regular complexes of inflammatory polypeptide molecules contribute to the development of this inflammatory response known as cytokines. Lack of local control over the release of these cytokines can cause systemic inflammation, and potentially devastating complications.
In writing this review articles, articles indexed in the following databases were used: Science Direct, Scopus, Springer Science, PubMed and Google Scholar Ninety two related research papers, including quantitative and qualitative researches in English, related to the last 40 years (1979- 2019) were included in this study. The current review article has been written based on 92 articles and the keywords of “Surgical Stress, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines, and Anti-Inflammatory Cytokines”.
Studies in humans and animal models suggest that both types of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines following diverse primary stimuli, including endotoxin release, complement system activation, ischemia-perfusion injury, and other ways.
Conclusion: Inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines are the result of a complex unpredictable interaction of immune system effects on the body and even multiple effects on body organs. New therapeutic strategies for the absorption of cytokines are a powerful way to enhance and improve proper output, following systemic inflammatory response syndrome.
Full-Text [PDF 1109 kb]   (918 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review article | Subject: Surgery
Received: 2020/02/3 | Accepted: 2020/06/29 | Published: 2020/07/31

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