Volume 22, Issue 3 (Jul- Aug 2014)                   JSSU 2014, 22(3): 1265-1273 | Back to browse issues page

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Pazoki H, Imani H, Farokhi F, Shahverdi A, Ebrahimi B, Tahaei L. Considering the effective of Blood Platelet Extraction (Platelet layset) on growth and survival of oocytes from prepubertal NMRI mouse pre-antral follicles. JSSU 2014; 22 (3) :1265-1273
URL: http://jssu.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-2541-en.html
Abstract:   (7063 Views)
Introduction: culture medium can be considered as one of important part in cell culturing and in vitro Folliculogenesis and in recent years lots of research have been focused on improving culture medium. Platelet Layset with high percent of growth factors and micro elements can be effective on oocytes growth and development. This study was done to evaluated whether Follicles and oocytes can survived and growth as mature oocytes in medium which enriched by platelet layset as serum instead of FBS. Material and method: we used pre-antral follicles with diameter of 100-130µm from prepubertal NMRI mouse and we cultured them for 12 days in different culture medium. We had 4 different culture mediums first and second medium was enriched by 5 and 10% PL as our experimental groups and two groups enriched by 5 and 10% FBS as our control groups. We refreshed our medium every other day and our assessment was done before each refreshments. We evaluated survival rat after one day of culturing and at the end of culturing as well as growth of oocytes in different mediums. Result: oocytes in medium with PL had significant growth and reached to mature size as oocytes in medium with FBS. Oocytes diameter after 12 days reached to 81.66 and 81.35µm in medium with 5 and 10%PL compare to oocytes in 5 and 10% FBS which was 82.69 and 82.19µm respectively p˂0.05. Meanwhile survival rat after one day also was significant and was 93.75% and 97.91% for 5 and 10%PL and 100% and 94.74%for 5 and 10%FBS. Discussion: platelet layset with high percentage of growth factors and micro elements can be effective on oocytes growth and we can use it as a good replacement for FBS.
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Type of Study: Original article | Subject: Biology
Received: 2013/09/3 | Accepted: 2014/05/26 | Published: 2014/08/3

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