Volume 17, Issue 5 (Winter 2010)                   JSSU 2010, 17(5): 353-357 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohiti-Ardekani J, Taarof N. Comparison of Leptin Blood Levels and Correlation of Leptin with LH and FSH in PCOS Patients and Normal Individuals. JSSU 2010; 17 (5) :353-357
URL: http://jssu.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-994-en.html
Abstract:   (33731 Views)
Introduction: There are high concentrations of LH in Polycystic Ovary syndrome (PCOS) patients. These patients are usually obese and have increased leptin levels in their blood. It is not clear whether obesity or increased leptin levels cause changes in the hypothalamus- pituitary axis. This study evaluated the blood leptin, LH and FSH levels in PCOS group and compared them with a control group. Methods: The study included 27 PCOS patients and 27 normal individuals as control. They were matched for age (18-40 year). A fasting blood sample was taken and then freezed at -80 degrees Celsius. This sample was used for measurement of leptin, FSH, LH and insulin levels. Results: There was a significant difference between leptin, insulin and glucose levels in the two groups (P<0.05) Leptin levels were higher in group with BMI>25 as compared to group with BMI<25 (P<0.05). The mean LH level in PCOS group was significantly higher than the control group. Conclusion: It is possible that in PCOS patients, high levels of LH could be related to an increase in leptin levels along with insulin resistance.
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Type of Study: Original article | Subject: General
Received: 2010/03/1 | Published: 2010/03/15

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