Volume 32, Issue 9 (12-2024)                   JSSU 2024, 32(9): 8212-8225 | Back to browse issues page

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Velayati Hoshang M, Ataee N, Chaboksavar M, Sabbaghi S. Evaluation the Effectiveness of Sayasept HI and Surfosept Instrument Disinfection Solutions on Rotary Files. JSSU 2024; 32 (9) :8212-8225
URL: http://jssu.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-6249-en.html
Abstract:   (318 Views)
Introduction: The present study was conducted with the aim of determining the effectiveness of Sayasept-HI and Surfosept-Instrument disinfectant solutions on dental equipment.
Methods: In this laboratory study, 30 patients were selected and 4 rotary files were considered for each patient. The rotary files that were infected with oral microflora were transferred to the laboratory, and in 4 separate categories, including the positive control as a control of contamination, disinfected by Deconex as a negative control, and disinfected by Sayasept-HI and Surfosept-instrument disinfectants. Then sampling of the surfaces of this tool was done by sterile cotton swap. Infected swaps were placed in thioglycolate enrichment medium. Turbidity measurement and then culture of the samples were done on blood agar, Eosin Methylene-Blue and chocolate agar culture media. After the heating time, the grown colonies were counted. The results were analyzed by Mann-Whitney test in SPSS version 16 statistical software.
Results: The results showed that no bacterial growth was observed in the two test groups that contained antimicrobial solutions, but in the samples of the control group, the culture results were positive and there was a significant difference between the number of bacterial colonies before and after disinfection with each of the two disinfectant solutions was present (P<0.0001), but there was no difference in terms of disinfection between the two test solutions (P>0.05 ).
Conclusion: Both surfosept Instrument and Sayasept HI solutions showed a significant effect in the amount of bacterial colony reduction compared to the control group, and without any superiority over each other, the ability to destroy the bacterial species of their effect spectrum and disinfect the equipment.
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Type of Study: Original article | Subject: Endodontics
Received: 2024/07/20 | Accepted: 2024/08/26 | Published: 2024/12/5

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