Volume 25, Issue 12 (Feb 2018)                   JSSU 2018, 25(12): 940-950 | Back to browse issues page

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Taghizadeh Z, Zenouzi A, Asghari M. A review of women's sexual dysfunction during postpartum . JSSU 2018; 25 (12) :940-950
URL: http://jssu.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-4334-en.html
Abstract:   (5729 Views)
Introduction: Sexual dysfunctions are more common than previously thought. These types of disorders have many negative consequences. Sexual dysfunctions are closely linked to the social problems, such as crimes, mental illness and divorce. Lack of quality of life, anxiety, low self-esteem, selfishness, nervousness, tenderness of pain and discomfort, inability to concentrate on thinking and even inability to performing the ordinary tasks are also other consequences of failure to satisfying the sexual instinct. The purpose of this review was evaluation of the sexual dysfunction of women during the postpartum period.
Methods: In this study, a comprehensive overview of the articles was conducted in English and Persian. In order to search for articles in Persian, we used Iranian databases SID, IranMedex and Magiran and to search for English articles, we use Proquest, PubMed, Ovid, Science Direct, EBSCO, MD consult Cochrane Library, Sciruse, and Google Scholar.
Conclusion: Sexual function is like a cycle and various factors affect on it. Among the various factors that affect the person's tendencies, sexual function and behavior, it can point out to the other factors such ass physiological, anatomical, psychological, socio-cultural, economic-political factors, etc. Understanding the sexual experiences of women during the postpartum period will have an important role in the maintaining of the family health and also establishing the natural and instinctive relationships. Therefore, attention to the sexual health should be one of the main components of cares in order to taking a step to resolve women's problems
Full-Text [PDF 982 kb]   (3191 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review article | Subject: midwifery
Received: 2017/09/23 | Accepted: 2017/12/2 | Published: 2018/04/3

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