Volume 22, Issue 2 (May-Jun 2014)                   JSSU 2014, 22(2): 1069-1078 | Back to browse issues page

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Peymannia B, Moosavi E. The Comparison between Conceived Stress and Personality traits, in People Suffering from Migraine and Healthy People. JSSU 2014; 22 (2) :1069-1078
URL: http://jssu.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-2548-en.html
Abstract:   (7786 Views)
Introduction: Migraine is a common familial disease and is diagnosed with recurring throbbing headache. Investigation of biological and psychological factors in the initiation and aggravation of migraine headaches have shown that there is a relationship between the psychological factors, personality, and migraine headache. Therefore, this study aimed to compare the conceived stress and Personality traits between ill persons suffering from Migraine and healthy people. Methods: This is an analytical cross-sectional study which involves a sample including 30 migrainours and 30 healthy people. The migraine-suffering participants were chosen among the people who referred to specialized clinic of migraine in Ardabil in the first half of 2012. The study participants filled the Eysenck's personality questionnaire and Kohen' s Perceived stress scale. Descriptive statistics as well as MANOVA were utilized to analyze the research data. Results: The results showed that migraine-suffering participants conceived the stress negatively (P<0.01, F=11) compared to healthy participants. Moreover, migrainours scored significantly higher in regard to Neuroticism score compared to healthy people (P<0.05, F=5.91). Also, there was a significant difference between migrainours and healthy people in their extroversion score (P<0.05, F=6.57). Conclusion: According to the study findings, it appears that migraine patients are more vulnerable to the neurotic disease. Therefore, considering the psychological and personality characteristics may impact on the prognosis of disease.
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Type of Study: Original article | Subject: Psychology
Received: 2013/09/12 | Accepted: 2014/02/15 | Published: 2014/06/7

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