Volume 20, Issue 4 (Sep-Oct 2012)                   JSSU 2012, 20(4): 501-509 | Back to browse issues page

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Soleimani A, Bahrololumi Z, Kabudan M, Mousavi Nasab M, Abarghooyi A. Effect of Saliva Contamination on Microleakage of a Fissure Selant with or without Bonding Agent . JSSU 2012; 20 (4) :501-509
URL: http://jssu.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-2139-en.html
Abstract:   (8003 Views)
Introduction: Contamination of etched enamel to saliva before placement of sealant prevents the appropriate bonding and results in microleakage. Using bondings is effective for decreasing the microleakage. This experimental study aimed to evaluate the effect of bonding agent on microleakage of a fissure sealant before or after contamination to saliva. Methods: In this experimental study 40 sound premolar teeth were randomly divided into four groups. The prophylaxis was done and the teeth were etched with 37% phosphoric acid gel, then they were washed and dried. In the first group, Seal-Rite fissure sealant and Dentastic (Pulpdent, USA) without saliva contamination, and in the second group sealant with bonding agent after saliva contamination for 10s, were applied and cured for 40s. In the third group, fissure sealant without bonding agent or saliva contamination, and in the fourth group fissure sealant without bonding application was applied after contamination with saliva and then was cured. After thermocycling, the teeth were placed in 50% silver nitrate for 2 hours. The buccolingual sections were applied and microleakage evaluation was made by stereomicroscope at 4X magnifications and results were evaluated with mann-whiteny test. Results: The fissure sealant group without bonding agent showed the most microleakage after contamination to saliva and use of sealant with bonding agent significantly showed decrease of microleakage. Conclusion: Use of bonding agent under fissure sealant in saliva-contamination status is beneficial for decreasing microleakage.
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Type of Study: Original article | Subject: Dental
Received: 2012/10/13 | Published: 2012/10/15

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