Abstract: (11111 Views)
Introduction: Ethics, customs, and divine and human values in all scientific and non-academic issues are accepted among all human societies in different eras. The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of nursing professionals about the patient's privacy.
Methods: 21 participants were selected by theoretical sampling which was guided by emerging categories. All participants were interviewed individually. Subjects were interviewed in a private setting and transcription was done after each interview. In-depth interviews and semi-structured questions were used for data collection. Corbin and Strauss’ Ground theory methodology was applied in order to explain the process of patient's privacy. Data analysis was an ongoing process which was started during data collection. Data analysis method included a three-step coding process including open coding, axial and selective coding through repeated line by line reading of transcripts.
Results: Four central categories were identified from transcripts' constant comparative analysis: weakness of system, actors with serious effort, trying to maintain privacy and tension creation.
Conclusion: Familiarity with how nurses deal with patient’s privacy can improve professional development, client satisfaction and observation of their rights. Nurses with sensitivity to patient’s privacy can manage their expectations respectfully.
Type of Study:
Original article |
General Received: 2011/12/13 | Published: 2011/12/15