Abstract: (12280 Views)
Introduction: The maternal perception of fetal movements at term has been used as an evaluative test of fetal wellbeing since the last 30 years, but there are different reports about its value. The aim of this study was evaluation of decreased fetal movement and relation to situation of fetus in uterus. It is significant that we understand the relationship between decreased fetal movement and increased fetal distress, heart deceleration and meconium.
Methods: This study was carried out from 2000-2001 in Kerman Bahonar hospital. The method was a case control one with 100 cases and 100 controls. Cases and controls were selected from pregnant women entering active phase of labor or induction of labor for causes other than perception of decreased fetal movements. Fetal heart rate was monitored in both groups during labor phase and also, color of amniotic fluid and meconium during rupture of membrane was recorded. Type of delivery, Apgar scores at minute 1 and 5, mortality and morbidity were compared in both groups. In this study, amniotic fluid volume was a significant variable that was paid special attention.
Results: After analysis , there was a significant relationship between decreased fetal movement and many variables, for example, gravidity , deceleration of fetal heart , 1st & 5th minutes apgar score, fetal mortality, type of delivery , amniotic fluid volume and meconium staining .
Conclusion: We can conclude that decreased fetal movement is a significant factor in evaluation of fetal well being in near-term ante partum cases.
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Original article |
General Received: 2011/01/29 | Published: 2005/04/15