Volume 18, Issue 5 (Nov. & Dec. 2010)                   JSSU 2010, 18(5): 461-468 | Back to browse issues page

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Abbaszadeh A, Javanbakhtian R, Salehee S, Motvaseliyan M. Comparative Assessment of Quality of Life in Hemodialysis and Kidney Transplant Patients . JSSU 2010; 18 (5) :461-468
URL: http://jssu.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-1203-en.html
Abstract:   (11710 Views)
Introduction: Quality of life(QOL) is a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being and may be affected by sociodemographic variables, chronic illnesses, psychiatric and physical conditions. End stage renal diseases and treatments lead to many problems in patients including physical, mental and socioeconomic problems thus affecting their overall QOL. This study evaluated and compared QOL in hemodialysis and kidney transplant patients. Methods: In a descriptive analytic study, SF36 questionnaire was used to examine QOL in 120 patients (60 hemodialysis and 60 kidney transplant patients) in Kerman. Results: The mean QOL score in hemodialysis patients was 49.83±17.56, while in kidney transplant patients, it was 60.95±16.60. Although difference between the two groups was significant (p≤o.o5), the difference in three dimensions pain, physical and social function was not significant (p≥0.05). In hemodialysis patients, minimum score was in vitality dimension and maximum score in physical function. In kidney transplant patients, minimum score was in general health and maximum score was in role limitation due to physical problem dimension. Conclusion: Although QOL in both groups is lower than public communities, kidney transplantation can improve QOL, especially in role restriction due to physical problems. Based on results, it seems that age, blood creatinine levels and personal perception are the most important factors affecting QOL of hemodialysis patients and only creatinine levels and personal perception can be modified. So, in this group of patients, by maintaining creatinine levels and assuring dialysis quality, QOL can be improved. On the other hand, recognition of patient’s defiance mechanisms can improve adaptation and life satisfaction.
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Type of Study: Original article | Subject: General
Received: 2010/11/23 | Published: 2010/12/15

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