Delshad M, Hidarnia A, Niknami S, Amin Shokravi F. Identifying and Assessing the Improvement Scale of Infection- control Criterion for Hepatitis B virus in Regard to the Knowledge, Attitudes and Preventive Health Behaviors. JSSU 2014; 22 (2) :1115-1129
Abstract: (6900 Views)
Introduction: When a new scale is designed, it is expected that by following the development processes, extensive information can be obtained regarding the scale assessment. The main aim of this study was to design a valid and reliable scale proportionate to the culture of the employees surveyed, in order to identify and measure the improvements of infection-control criterion for Hepatitis B virus.
Methods: In this cross-sectional study, data collection instruments involved designing and assessing the reliability and validity. The study sample was of cluster type involving the health care workers of 19 health centers and 16 Health sites. For Questionnaire designing, first, a list of 50 questions was prepared. Moreover, to assess the validity, the internal consistency and reproducibility, the methods content validity ratio (CVR), content validity index (CVI), test-retest reliability and alpha Cronbach coefficient were utilized respectively.
Results: 5 items were rejected due to poor content validity. Content validity index was higher than 0.80. The alpha Cronbach coefficient for the total scale was 83% and for subcategories, it was between 0.81 to 0.86 . The factor weight extracted from exploratory factor analysis of the questionnaire, was 74% shared variance. As a result, the final questionnaire is reliable and repeatable (ICC= 0.896 and P <0.001)
Conclusion: According to the study findings, the improvement Questionnaire of infection-control criterion for Hepatitis B virus is proper and usable in the research activities.
Type of Study:
Original article |
Health education Received: 2013/04/19 | Accepted: 2014/01/26 | Published: 2014/06/7