Volume 26, Issue 11 (Feb 2019)                   JSSU 2019, 26(11): 945-956 | Back to browse issues page

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Moosavizadeh S, Baghiani M, Majdizadeh M, Haghiralsadat F, Moosavizadeh S. Experimental study: experimental evaluation of phospholipid system containing doxorubicin HCL for use in chemotherapy. JSSU 2019; 26 (11) :945-956
URL: http://jssu.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-4719-en.html
Abstract:   (3916 Views)
Introdution: Common cancer treatment methods have many side effects. Therefore, the use of new methods for drug delivery to cancer cells is necessary. In the present study, nano formulations of lipid carriers containing doxorubicin have been synthesized and its physicochemical properties have been investigated.
Methods: The present study was an experimental study. The liposomal systems were synthesized by the method of thin-film hydration and using Tween-20, cholesterol and soybean phosphatidylcholine. After loading Doxorubicin drug into the liposomes, physiochemical properties of nano-carriers were determined from the perspective of encapsulation efficiency, drug release profile under healthy and cancerous cells condition, hydrodynamic diameter, zeta potential, morphology and IR spectra.
Results: The liposomal system had 132.9 nm in diameter, the encapsulation 93.74% and -38.73±0.18mV zeta potential. The maximum release of drug from the nano-carrier under conditions 37°C, pH=7.4 and 42°C, pH=5.4 and 37°C, pH=5.4 after 72 hours was 36.54% and 74.18% and 55.9% respectively. SEM and IR assessments revealed spherical morphology and the absence of chemical interaction between nano-carrier and drug.
Conclusion: The result of this research indicates that the liposomal system, having the appropriate physiochemical properties, has not changed the chemical nature of drug and thus can be a suitable and semi-targeted carrier for doxorubicin.
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Type of Study: Original article |
Received: 2018/10/8 | Accepted: 2018/12/1 | Published: 2019/03/15

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