Volume 27, Issue 8 (12-2019)                   JSSU 2019, 27(8): 1804-1813 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (3033 Views)
Introduction: Tuberculosis is one of the most important public health problems, especially in developing countries. The global burden of tuberculosis ranks in the 10th Stopping the tuberculosis epidemic in 2030 is one of the goals of sustainable development. The aim of this study was to determine the epidemiology of the disease, changes in the incidence of tuberculosis and its effective factors over a decade in Yazd Province.
Methods: In this descriptive study, data from the TBC system that was collected in the county were used. The data of the patients identified during the years 2005-2014 based on patients' care records in the province of Yazd were extracted by census and analyzed using SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL; version 16 software. The population base for calculating the incidence, population census and housing data and for the years between them has been based on the Center's statistics estimate
Results: The total number of tuberculosis cases identified in the study period was 1398 ones. The mean of the incidence of tuberculosis during the years 2005-2014 in Yazd Province was 13/5 per 100,000 people. The incidence of disease in women 14/3 per hundred thousand) was significantly higher than the male / 14/1 per hundred thousand). The difference between the incidence of TB in urban and rural areas was statistically significant (13/5 versus 18/3 per hundred thousand). Patients with positive sputum pulmonary tuberculosis had a successful treatment of 78.5 %. The success rate of treatment in women (90/7%) was significantly higher than males) 79/5%) and in urban populations (85/1%) compared with rural populations (84/2%).
Conclusion: Regarding the lower success rate of treatment in Yazd Province, the country's average, as well as the target's goal, is to strengthen the disease-care system in non-Iranians, to further monitor the implementation of the DOTS strategy and to have effective communication with private sector physicians for compliance with the National Counter-Terrorism Protocol with tuberculosis, an effective step in controlling the disease and eventually removing it until 2050 AD.
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Type of Study: Original article | Subject: Infectious Diseases
Received: 2018/11/18 | Accepted: 2019/06/15 | Published: 2019/12/16

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