Volume 14, Issue 3 (Autumn 2007 2006)                   JSSU 2006, 14(3): 3-8 | Back to browse issues page

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Besharati M, Miratashi A, Falah Zadeh H. Early Results and Short Term Complications of Lasik Surgery. JSSU 2006; 14 (3) :3-8
URL: http://jssu.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-842-en.html
Abstract:   (11090 Views)
Introduction: Today, Lasik surgery is one of the most common and effective procedures for correction of refractive errors. Less than 1% of patients undergoing Lasik operation suffer from serious and 3-5% suffers from mild complications. Also, results of lasik in most centers are promising. With the recent inauguration of the Lasik center of Yazd, it was decided to evaluate the results and complications of this surgery. Methods: In this descriptive outcome study, cases were selected randomly and data from files of 230 operated eyes was filled in a specially formatted questionnaire. Data of patients who had been operated upon between March 2003 and March 2004 was gathered and evaluated using SPSS software program with Chi square and Fisher statistical tests. Patients were followed up for 3 months. Residual refractive error in the range of ± 0.5 was considered as complete treatment and more than ± 0.5 considered as relative. Results: From the total of 230 eyes, 122 eyes were of women and 108 eyes belonged to men. 24 cases (10.4%) were myopic, 188 cases (81.8%) myopic-astigmatism, 5 cases (2.2%) hyperopic and 13 cases (5.6%) hyperopic-astigmatism .204 eyes were in the age group of less than 40 years and 26 eyes were in the age group of more than 40 years. Based on visual acuity well-being, 225 eyes (97.8%) were treated completely and 5 eyes (2.2%) were treated relatively. Complete eradication of refractive error, 3months after surgery in myopias was 96%, myopic astigmatisms 88%, hyperopias 60% and hyperopic astigmatisms 62%. At 3 months of follow up, 224 cases (97.4%) were without any complications and the rest had few minor side effects. Conclusion: Lasik operation is a safe and effective procedure for correcting refractive errors with limited complications. Results are comparable with similar studies.
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Type of Study: Original article | Subject: General
Received: 2010/01/25 | Published: 2006/10/15

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