Volume 14, Issue 4 ( Winter 2006 2007)                   JSSU 2007, 14(4): 69-75 | Back to browse issues page

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Taheri S, Vakili Z, Saffari M. Effect of Different Types of Blood on the Growth of Cutaneus Leishmaniasis Agent in Vitro . JSSU 2007; 14 (4) :69-75
URL: http://jssu.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-1301-en.html
Abstract:   (10842 Views)
Abstract Introduction: As there is a high prevalence of cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Iran, the problems and expenses for culture of the parasite are important. The effect of different types of blood human, cattle, sheep and goat on growth of leishmania tropica promastigote, L.major were examined and compared with rabbit blood. This study was preformed during 2001-2003 in Kashan. Methods: This analytical study was performed on promastigote L. tropica and L. major which was confirmed by the World Health Organization. The examination was repeated 10 times. The time of compatibility with culture medium, maximum and minimum growth based on decrease in number of active parasite as compared to the basic number at the time of culture were determined and judged statistically. Results: The time of compatibility with culture medium was equal in all cases and it was about 1 to 3 days. With human, sheep and goat blood, maximum growth of parasite was reached in a shorter time period as compared to0 cow blood. The minimum growth in the blood of rabbit and cow was more than human, goat and sheep blood. The growth of 2 kinds of parasites in rabbit blood was more than human, goat and sheep blood (P<0.05), but it was similar to the amount of growth of these parasites in rabbit and cow blood. Conclusion: In places where it is difficult to have access to rabbit or cow blood, human B negative blood can be used.
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Type of Study: Original article | Subject: General
Received: 2011/01/10 | Published: 2007/01/15

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