Volume 12, Issue 3 (autumn 2004)                   JSSU 2004, 12(3): 65-70 | Back to browse issues page

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Toodehzaeim M, Baghersad M. The Comparison of Nasopharyngeal Cephalometric Measurements between Two Groups with Anterior and Posterior Obstructions of Nasal Airway. JSSU 2004; 12 (3) :65-70
URL: http://jssu.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-1251-en.html
Abstract:   (8982 Views)
Introduction: Two main causes of nasal airway obstruction and mouth breathing Consist: 1- anterior nasal obstruction is caused by obstruction in nasal cavity, 2- posterior (nasopharyngeal) obstruction is caused by adenoid enlargement and decreased nasopharyngeal airway. The purpose of this study was the comparison of nasopharyngeal cephalometric measurements between two groups of mouth breathing with anterior (nasal cavity) and posterior (nasopharyngeal) obstructions. Methods: In this descriptive study, a sample of 79 mouth breathers between the ages of 7 and 15 years old were selected in two anterior and posterior nasal obstruction groups. The sample had 39 patients with nasopharyngeal obstruction and mean of 10.87 years old in posterior obstruction group and 40 patients with nasal cavity obstruction without nasopharyngeal obstruction and mean of 10.97 years old in anterior obstruction group. After clinical examination by orthodontist, type of obstruction was diagnosed by ENT specialist .For each patient a lateral cephalogram was taken in centric occlusion. After tracing, 8 nasopharyngeal variables were measured and statistical t-test was conducted by calculating the mean, standard deviation and p-value of parameters. Results: In posterior nasal obstruction group, nasopharyngeal airway variables (PP, Ad.pmp and Air area) significantly decreased and nasopharyngeal bony variables (d and NP area) significantly increased. From bony nasopharyngeal measurements, mean of h, Ba.pmp and N.S.Ba variables insignificantly increased in posterior nasal obstruction group . Conclusion: We conclude that in lateral cephalometric radiography, in posterior nasal obstruction group nasopharyngeal airway measurements decrease and bony nasopharyngeal measurements increase.
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Type of Study: Original article | Subject: General
Received: 2010/12/6 | Published: 2004/10/15

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